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Why PC gaming???

Are you having trouble deciding, Xbox One, PS4, or PC? Well, here we have provided some reasons why to pick PC, PS4, or Xbox One!


PS4, it's generally good for anyone who doesn't want to "waste their time" on building a PC. It's good for "plug and play" situations, and definitely for people on a budget! It's also compact, which means it may overheat. Another drawback is that game developers tend to limit the console's gameplay to 30 or 60 FPS (Frames Per Second.) This is to make sure that it doesn't overheat. So usually, it's a choice between best graphics quality OR best performance!

Xbox One

I would most likely not recommend this one, if anything a PS4, but probably the PC is the best idea. Xbox one has the worst graphics of the three, and it  doesn't even improve the performance! It was actually launched LATER than the PS4. It also is the most expensive one running at $500! If that isn't convincing enough, like I said earlier... the Xbox One has worse graphics than the PS4, remember that? The Xbox's resolution is 1280 x 720 where as the PS4 has 1920 x 1080. Don't be confused, it's not like golf... the bigger, the better!


Personally, I think, PC is superior to both, depending on the performance. Prices can range from about $500 to $10,000!!! Of course, the $10,000 ones will be about $500 in 2 years, so it's better to just wait. PC (graphics card dependent) can run some games at 4k and 60 FPS!! What does this mean? You know that 1920 x 1080 thing earlier? 4k is 4 times that!!! Yeah, that's why PC is one of the best! Two major graphics card manufacturers are AMD and Nvidia. Both are soon preparing for 8k! (8 times 1920 x 1080!) If you're finally convinced, click here to see how to build, repair, and maintain one of these beasts.

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